
Impulsively published word arrangements

If you are looking for the tech side of me, check out Curious Markings, Co. Much like with the rest of my life (outside of leading Curious Markings, Co.), I don't know what I'm doing with this website. Who even reads this shit, anyways? This last sentence is vaguely catering to art industry gatekeepers and will end by saying something like, elegant and transformational intersection between our growing digital world, awareness of mental health and mental illness, along with traditional mediums.

psycho vs. Sage

Why do I call myself psychoSage? To separate my hobbies from paid work — self-employment creates a confusing environment between these things, and the visual design I've created helps me subconsciously keep myself focused. Focused on work when I'm working, focused on play when I'm playing.


Projects prepended with "psycho" are to remind myself that I am human, being experimental, non-profit, angry, and rebellious. "psycho" is also a slightly pejorative reference to my schizophrenia diagnosis. It is lowercased by design to de-emphasize the passive, long-term, and self-inflicted subjugation of self-deprecation. Holy shit, that was a mouthful. Here, have some soda to wash down that nothing-burger.



Projects appended with "Sage" are to remind myself while working that I am a producer of value in our capitalist society, being as polished as I can in my work, for-profit, calm, and pragmatic. "Sage" is also a reference to my aspirational practice/way of doing business. Words prefixed to Sage are lowercased by design. Not only to match the 'psycho' lowercasing, but to indicate a commitment to ideology over product or profit.